Common HTML Mistakes You Should Avoid for a Better Website

HTML is the foundation of the web. Every website on the internet is built on HTML, making it an essential language for web developers to learn. However, even the most experienced developers can make mistakes when coding in HTML.

In this blog post, we will discuss some common HTML mistakes you should avoid ensuring your website runs smoothly.

Common HTML Mistakes You Should Avoid for a Better Website
Mannu Rani
Mar 20, 2023
Web Design

1. Missing Closing Tags

One of the most common HTML mistakes is forgetting to close tags. HTML tags are like containers that hold content on your web page. If you forget to close a tag, it can cause all the content after that tag to be formatted incorrectly or not show up at all. Always double-check to make sure every tag is closed.

2. Using Non-semantic Tags

HTML has many different tags, but not all tags are created equal. Semantic tags are tags that provide meaning to the content within them. For example, the <header>, <footer>, and <nav> tags provide context to the content they contain. On the other hand, non-semantic tags like <div> and <span> are used for styling purposes and provide no meaning to the content. Using semantic tags not only helps with website accessibility but also makes it easier for search engines to understand the structure of your web page.

3. Improper Nesting

Proper nesting of HTML tags is crucial for ensuring that your website runs smoothly. Nesting refers to the way tags are placed inside other tags. For example, you should not put a <p> tag inside a <span> tag, as it is not a valid nesting structure. Always ensure that your tags are nested properly to avoid formatting errors.

4. Not Validating Your HTML

Validating your HTML ensures that your code is error-free and complies with web standards. Failure to validate your HTML can cause issues with cross-browser compatibility, accessibility, and search engine optimization. There are many online HTML validators available that can help you check your code for errors.

5. Not Using Alt Text for Images

Alt text is a description of an image that is read by screen readers for visually impaired users. Failing to add alt text can make your website inaccessible to these users. Always add descriptive alt text to your images to ensure your website is accessible to everyone.

In conclusion, these are just some of the common HTML mistakes you should avoid when building a website. By following these best practices, you can ensure that your website runs smoothly, is accessible to all users, and complies with web standards.